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Masculine language is a physical language, an active language.
For a large number of men,
words are tools that enable action! 

Why does this matter?  Because all too often groups designed to encourage growth in men and boys do so by sitting them in circles and asking them to read and talk without actually DOING anything. As many guys will tell you, this isn't always the best strategy.

These have VALUE

To operate well together, we need them.




Many men are frustrated when they see these things missing in the world.

"Where are all the men?

Where are the men of honor, strength and integrity?" 

These aren't new questions,

but they are valuable ones. ​​​

​Part of the answer is that many men are afraid. 

They are afraid that if they stand up, they will find themselves standing alone.  

One of the goals of Warrior Training is to encourage men to stand up and follow Christ, but also to make sure they do not leave their brother standing alone when he does.

Stand together!

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